Friday, July 13, 2018

Welcome to Sixth Grade

Dear Students,

Happy Summer! I hope you all are having a wonderful break and are enjoying your family, friends, and the Florida sunshine!! Welcome to 6th Grade! I hope you are looking forward to your first year of middle school. It will a great year of new experiences, challenges, and fun!

If you are in 6A, I am your homeroom teacher.  Which basically means you will be with me for all core subjects, except for Math and Science.  For those subjects, you will be going to Mrs. LaPeters in 6B.  If you have been assigned to 6B, then you will come to me for ELA (Literature, English, Vocabulary) and Social Studies.  

One of the biggest changes as you enter middle school, is that you no longer have Reading, you have Literature.  That means that we will be digging into actual chapter books and diving deep into the story looking for metaphors, similes, theme, purpose, plot, and all kinds of neat things!  We will also be writing - lots and lots of writing!  Now, don't groan!  Writing can be a lot of fun.  We are going to be writing for various audiences, and you are going to learn to write for each one.  We are even going to be working on writing online on blogs and websites, that you help design. See, I told you writing would be fun! 

Some of you may be new to blogging and others might be blogging enthusiasts!  Take a few minutes to visit some of the pages on this blog.  Before you know it, the pages will be filled with all kinds of information that will assist you in your studies this year.

I am sure you already know, but as an incoming 6th grader, you have already been assigned two reading assignments! This summer, you should have read (or be in the middle of reading) The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin and Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai.  These are two very different types of literature, but both awesome books and fun to read!  Be ready to discuss these books on the first day of school - August 8th!

Have fun looking around the blog.  Feel free to post a comment or questions, with your parents permission, if you like.  Just remember, that when posting a comment or question, to keep it light, bright, and polite.   

I can't wait to see you at Meet the Teacher on August 7th.  Until then, find the joy in each moment you are blessed with!

God bless,
Mrs. Murphy

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